What is the weather and temperature in France in May?

The average temperature, rainfall, number of sunny hours and the sea temperature in May in various regions of France. Weather and temperature in May in the north and south of the country. May is the perfect month for a trip to France. The temperatures are very pleasant, around 20-25 degrees.

Average Temperature in France in May:

City Min (° C) Max (° C) Mean (° C) Min (° F) Max (° F) Mean (° F)
Paris 10 twenty 14.9 49 69 58.9
Le Havre (North of France) 10 16 13.2 51 61 55.8
La Rochelle (West Coast) 12 19 15.6 53 67 60.2
Metz, Nancy, Lorraine, Strasbourg (Eastern France) 10 21 15.5 50 70 59.9
Lyon (Eastern France) 11 22 16.4 52 71 61.4
Bordeaux (South-West France) 11 22 16.6 53 71 61.8
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 13 24 18.4 56 74 65.1
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 15 21 17.8 58 70 64
Ajaccio (Corsica) 12 22 17 53 72 62.5
Chamonix (French Alps) 5 18 11.8 41 65 53.2
Briançon (French Alps) 5 18 11.6 42 64 52.9
Average temperatures in France in May – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average rainfall in France in May:

City Millimeters All Days
Paris 65 2.6 10
Le Havre (North of France) 60 2.4 10
La Rochelle (West Coast) 55 2.2 9
Lyon (Eastern France) 90 3.5 11
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 40 1.6 5
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 45 1.8 5
Chamonix (French Alps) 120 4.7 14
Average rainfall in France in May – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average hours of sunshine in France in May:

City On average Together
Paris 6.5 195
Le Havre (North of France) 7 215
La Rochelle (West Coast) 7.5 230
Lyon (Eastern France) 7 220
Bordeaux (South-West France) 7 215
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 9.5 295
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 8.5 265
Average number of sunny hours in France in May – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average sea temperature on the coast of France in May:

City Celsius (° C) Fahrenheit (° F)
Le Havre (North of France) 11 52
La Rochelle (West Coast) 15 59
Bordeaux (South-West France) 15 60
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 16 61
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 17 62
Ajaccio (Corsica) 18 64
Average sea water temperature on the coasts of France in May – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Check the weather forecast and air temperature in France in May:

We all know this beautiful country, full of historical monuments, modern buildings, beautiful beaches and magnificent mountains. Everything in France is very diverse, from architecture, where modernity meets majestic historical buildings at every turn, through the weather, which is quite cool in the north, and much milder in the south, and in the mountains, as you might guess – often frosty. However, all regions of France have one thing in common: the multitude of attractions, which corner of the country we choose for a trip, we will definitely not be bored. Whether we go to the Alps in winter or to the seaside in summer, we will certainly be satisfied.

France in May – what to visit in France in May?

France in May weather and temperatures

May is the perfect month for a trip to France. The temperatures there, as in Poland, are very pleasant and amount to about 20-25 degrees. In the north they will always be slightly lower than in the south of the country, and moreover, in the north quite strong winds can be expected at this time. However, this does not prevent you from exploring and enjoying the charm of this magical country at all. Just keep in mind that in May and other spring months, heavy rains are frequent, but usually of short duration. Therefore, it is enough to take a raincoat and an umbrella for the trip, so that you can wander the streets of beautiful French cities without any problems. As we know, May is the month when nature comes to life, almost all flowers and many shrubs are blooming. France is a country where not only industry is at a very high level, but also agriculture. So in May we can admire vineyards that are beautifully green and blooming, orange groves, which are abundant especially on the Cote d’Azur, and the lush vegetation that occurs especially in the south of the country. In May, the weather will probably allow for many hours’ walks in the charming streets of French cities and it’s hard to pinpoint any specific ones, in May it is beautiful both in Paris and in Toulouse or in Nice. Mountain lovers must see the Alps in May, then the views are truly breathtaking. So it is worth going to the Three Valleys, perhaps we will even catch the end of the ski season and go to the beautiful alpine slopes.

The temperature in May – France.

In spring, the air temperature in France is on average 20-25 ′ C in the south of the country, in the north about 15-20 degrees, and the mountains often still have snow and ski runs are open. The temperature is therefore negative, in the range of 0 to -5 ′ C. In the high parts of the mountains, there are places where snow lies all year round, and of course it is much colder there. In addition, in May we can expect sudden rains in France, which, despite the fact that they are heavy, are of short duration. There are also strong winds in the north of the country, which may make trips in ports a bit more difficult.