What is the weather and temperature in France in June?

Average temperature, rainfall, number of sunny hours and sea temperature in June in various regions of France. Information about the weather for june in France. Temperature description.

Average temperatures in France in June:

City Min (° C) Max (° C) Mean (° C) Min (° F) Max (° F) Mean (° F)
Paris 13 24 18.2 55 75 64.8
Le Havre (North of France) 13 19 16 56 66 60.9
La Rochelle (West Coast) 15 22 18.8 59 72 65.8
Metz, Nancy, Lorraine, Strasbourg (Eastern France) 14 24 19 56 76 66.2
Lyon (Eastern France) 15 26 20.3 59 78 68.5
Bordeaux (South-West France) 15 25 19.8 58 77 67.6
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 17 28 22.5 63 82 72.6
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 18 25 21.4 65 76 70.6
Ajaccio (Corsica) 15 26 20.6 60 79 69.2
Chamonix (French Alps) 8 22 15.1 47 72 59.2
Briançon (French Alps) 8 23 15.5 47 73 59.9
Average temperatures in France in June – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average rainfall in France in June:

City Millimeters All Days
Paris 50 2 9
Le Havre (North of France) 60 2.4 9
La Rochelle (West Coast) 40 1.6 7
Lyon (Eastern France) 75 3 8
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 25 1 3
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 35 1.4 4
Chamonix (French Alps) 130 5.1 13
Average rainfall in France in June – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average hours of sunshine in France in June:

City On average Together
Paris 6.5 200
Le Havre (North of France) 7.5 225
La Rochelle (West Coast) 8.5 260
Lyon (Eastern France) 8.5 255
Bordeaux (South-West France) 8 240
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 11 335
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 10 305
Average number of sunny hours in France in June – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average sea temperature on the coast of France in June:

City Celsius (° C) Fahrenheit (° F)
Le Havre (North of France) 14 57
La Rochelle (West Coast) 18 64
Bordeaux (South-West France) 18 65
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 18 64
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) twenty 68
Ajaccio (Corsica) 21 69
Average sea water temperature on the coasts of France in June – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Check the weather forecast and air temperature in France in June:

France, as a country located in two different climatic zones – Mediterranean subtropics and temperate, has quite a diverse climate. For this reason, the weather and temperatures in different regions of the country differ from each other. And although in summer these differences are much smaller, also then you can see that the south of the country is much warmer than its north.

Weather in France in June

France in June weather and temperatures

It’s summer all over France in June. It is relatively dry with average temperatures ranging from 12 to over 20 degrees Celsius. At that time, the wettest part of the country is its center and the north, although here the season of the highest rainfall is already closed. They take place in April and May. In June, the alpine regions also heat up more and more, where below the border of eternal snow there is virtually no snow cover. The further south you go, the less rainfall occurs. On the French Riviera, rainfall in June is rare and occurs mainly in the form of downpours and storms.

June temperature distribution in France

June temperatures in France are quite similar in different parts of the country. The south is of course the warmest, where heat can reach up to 30 degrees Celsius, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up to over 20 degrees. It is cooler in the north and in the central regions, although also here thermometers show about 20 – 25 degrees. Mild temperatures also occur at the seaside, on the west and north coasts. However, it is wetter here than in the central regions. In June, the east of France is very warm, where the influence of continental air can bring heat. In June, the alpine regions with real spring, with temperatures around 15-15 degrees, also warm up. Distribution of average temperatures in June in various regions of France

Paris Marseille Bordeaux Le Havre Strasbourg French alps
13 23 18 14 22 12

Departure for France in June

In June, the resorts of the French Riviera are already operating and teeming with life. Although the temperatures do not reach their maximum ranges yet, as is the case in July or August, it is definitely hot here and the water in the Mediterranean Sea allows for free swimming. It is also not as crowded here as, for example, in August, which is a definite advantage and allows for a more peaceful rest on the beach. In June, you can also go to Paris without fear. Warm weather and little rainfall make it the perfect time to discover the charms of the French capital.