What is the weather and temperature in France in August? Summer in France.

The average temperature, rainfall, hours of sunshine and sea temperature in August in various regions of France. Check out summer in France in individual cities: Paris, Le Havre, La Rochelle, Metz, Nancy, Lorraine, Strasbourg, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Nice, Ajaccio, Chamonix, Briancon.

Average Temperatures in France in August:

City Min (° C) Max (° C) Mean (° C) Min (° F) Max (° F) Mean (° F)
Paris 14 26 20.2 58 79 68.4
Le Havre (North of France) 16 21 18.4 60 70 65.2
La Rochelle (West Coast) 17 25 20.8 62 76 69.4
Metz, Nancy, Lorraine, Strasbourg (Eastern France) 14 26 20.4 58 79 68.6
Lyon (Eastern France) 17 28 22.3 62 82 72.1
Bordeaux (South-West France) 16 28 22 61 82 71.5
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 19 thirty 24.9 67 87 76.8
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 21 28 24.5 70 82 76.1
Ajaccio (Corsica) 18 29 23.6 65 85 74.6
Chamonix (French Alps) 9 24 16.4 48 75 61.6
Briançon (French Alps) 10 26 18.1 51 78 64.6
Average temperatures in France in August – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average rainfall in France in August:

City Millimeters All Days
Paris 55 2.2 7
Le Havre (North of France) 55 2.2 9
La Rochelle (West Coast) 45 1.8 6
Lyon (Eastern France) 60 2.4 7
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) thirty 1.2 3
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) twenty 0.8 2
Chamonix (French Alps) 125 4.9 12
Average rainfall in France in August – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average hours of sunshine in France in August:

City On average Together
Paris 7 210
Le Havre (North of France) 7 220
La Rochelle (West Coast) 8.5 260
Lyon (Eastern France) 8 255
Bordeaux (South-West France) 8 240
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 10.5 325
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 10 315
Average number of sunny hours in France in August – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Average sea temperature on the French coast in August:

City Celsius (° C) Fahrenheit (° F)
Le Havre (North of France) 18 64
La Rochelle (West Coast) 21 69
Bordeaux (South-West France) 22 71
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 22 72
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 24 75
Ajaccio (Corsica) 25 77
Average sea water temperature on the coasts of France in August – own study based on data from climatestotravel.com

Check the weather forecast and air temperature in France in August:

France invites us to visit it all year round, offering quite friendly conditions. An example can be here, among others weather in France in Augustwhich means the air temperature varies within the limits 27 degrees C (day) – 20 degrees C (night). Warm August in France it’s also encouraging temperature of water reaching 25 degrees C..

How is summer in France?

France in August weather and temperatures

Before visiting France, you may be wondering: what is summer like in France? The season officially runs from June 21 to September 21, but the weather in France may vary. Summer in France is not always hot and the weather varies with the region of France. The days can start very chilly and then get hotter. You must bring a light jacket or scarf with you.

The first summer month is usually mild, but July and August can be stormy and hot. From mid-July to mid-August is the most wonderful time of the year, and temperatures in the capital can rise to over 35 degrees Celsius. In the middle of summer you can still wear flip flops and a T-shirt, but it’s not too hot in Paris. Nimes can get quite cold nights so keep windows closed and blow at night to avoid too much moisture.

In the south of France, the weather is pleasantly warm, but the inland areas tend to be cooler than on the coast. Mountains protect inland areas from sun and rainy weather.

In fact, summer in France is often the best time to visit. While there, be sure to visit the southern areas. Best for the southern region as it is the most enjoyable. It has the best temperature ranges and the driest days are the driest.

The weather in France is favorable for tourists.

The climate of France these are quite specific conditions. Means in practice, that the same season in different regions of the country may be slightly different. An example would be here summer in France (which is also August). In the north of the country, summer can be cool. On noon and the same season is droughts and temperatures often exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Sometimes we can also come across a storm or severe hail. When visiting France, please also note that most of its regions have their own microclimate. Regardless of when we go on our vacation, we can be sure that France will welcome us with fairly good weather conditions. This, in turn, will make us come back refreshed and satisfied. In addition, during bad weather, we always have charming cafes, exquisite restaurants or not too many, but enchanting monuments of culture and art.