Weather in France in September

The average temperature in France, rainfall, number of sunny hours and the sea temperature in September in various regions of France.

Check the weather forecast and air temperature in France in September:

Average Temperatures in France in September:

City Min (° C) Max (° C) Mean (° C) Min (° F) Max (° F) Mean (° F)
Paris 11 22 16.5 52 71 61.7
Le Havre (North of France) 14 19 16.4 57 66 61.5
La Rochelle (West Coast) 14 22 18.1 57 72 64.6
Metz, Nancy, Lorraine, Strasbourg (Eastern France) 11 22 16.2 51 71 61.1
Lyon (Eastern France) 13 23 18 55 74 64.3
Bordeaux (South-West France) 13 24 18.8 56 76 65.8
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 16 26 20.9 61 79 69.6
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 18 25 21.2 64 77 70.2
Ajaccio (Corsica) 15 26 20.8 60 79 69.4
Chamonix (French Alps) 6 19 12.8 43 67 55
Briançon (French Alps) 7 twenty 13.6 44 69 56.6
Average temperatures in France in September – own study based on data from

Average rainfall in France in September:

City Millimeters All Days
Paris 50 2 8
Le Havre (North of France) 65 2.6 9
La Rochelle (West Coast) 60 2.4 7
Lyon (Eastern France) 90 3.5 8
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 75 3 5
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 72 2.8 5
Chamonix (French Alps) 105 4.1 10
Average rainfall in France in September – own study based on data from

Average hours of sunshine in France in September:

City On average Together
Paris 5.5 170
Le Havre (North of France) 5.5 170
La Rochelle (West Coast) 7 210
Lyon (Eastern France) 6.5 195
Bordeaux (South-West France) 7 205
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 8.5 260
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 8 240
Average number of sunny hours in France in September – own study based on data from

Average sea temperature on the coast of France in September:

City Celsius (° C) Fahrenheit (° F)
Le Havre (North of France) 17 63
La Rochelle (West Coast) twenty 67
Bordeaux (South-West France) twenty 69
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 21 70
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 22 72
Ajaccio (Corsica) 23 74
Average sea water temperature on the coasts of France in September – own study based on data from

What to visit in September and what are the temperatures then? September is a perfect month to visit all three regions of France.

France is the most frequently chosen European country for holidays and trips. Tourists from all over the world are attracted by the countless attractions, as well as the variety of these attractions. France is made up of three main regions that differ in terms of topography, air temperature, history and monuments. Normandy in the north is a historic land situated on the English Channel. The second country is the French Alps, famous for its numerous glaciers, regions of eternal snow, the world’s best ski slopes and the world’s most exclusive ski resorts. The third land is the Cote d’Azur, which stretches from Chassis in the west of the country, all the way to the Italian border. It is an attractive tourist destination, a very long stretch of coast on the Mediterranean Sea.

Weather in France in September – individual regions.

France in September weather and temperatures

The weather in France varies considerably from one region to another in different regions of the country. If we consider September, it is a perfect month to visit all three regions of France. Mountain lovers, however, will not ski in September, but you can successfully go hiking on mountain trails and admire unique alpine views. Although sometimes rain may disturb us, the air temperature in September is quite pleasant and properly prepared, we will definitely not be cold. We have to prepare for a positive temperature, although not too high – around 5’C. If, however, in September we go to the north of the country to visit the historic land – Normandy, we will also be able to visit numerous monuments without any obstacles, in a pleasant weather aura. In the north of the country, the average temperature in September is around 10-15’C. It is the warmest in the south of the country throughout the year, so if we do not like too much heat, and we like to spend holidays by the sea, sunbathing on the beach, we should go to the Cote d’Azur in September. The temperatures are then high enough to allow you to swim in the sea, but they are not too high, averaging 23-28 ′ C. It is ideal weather both for swimming and for visiting the area.

Monuments and attractions of France – what you must see in September?

September is the perfect time to go on a road trip around France. Wherever we go, we will be welcomed by a pleasant temperature, which will not tire of the heat or allow us to freeze. Being in France in September, be sure to go to the Alps to admire the mountain nature and landscapes. Let’s also see places such as:

  • Versailles
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral
  • Chantlliy Castle
  • town of Lourdes
  • Saint-Andre cathedral

The above-mentioned are just some of the many attractions and interesting places in France. Virtually in every region and town we can find countless of them, from historic castles, through architecturally and historically interesting churches, and ending with a museum. We did not mention the famous Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triomphe in Paris here, because usually all trips start with visiting the capital and these famous places, and sometimes other, equally wonderful places are forgotten. Such as, for example, the whole of Burgundy – a region famous for the largest vineyards in the world, a region that was already very rich in ancient times. To this day, remnants of this splendor are visible in the form of numerous manors, castles and, in general, more interesting architecture.