Weather in France in November

The average temperature, rainfall, number of sunny hours and the sea temperature in November in various regions of France.

Weather in France in November – November temperatures in France. Weather in November in individual regions of the country. Paris, Cote d’Azur, Marseille, Corsica.

City Min (° C) Max (° C) Mean (° C) Min (° F) Max (° F) Mean (° F)
Paris 5 11 7.9 40 52 46.3
Le Havre (North of France) 7 11 9.4 45 52 48.8
La Rochelle (West Coast) 8 13 10.5 46 56 50.9
Metz, Nancy, Lorraine, Strasbourg (Eastern France) 3 9 6.4 38 49 43.4
Lyon (Eastern France) 5 11 8.2 41 53 46.7
Bordeaux (South-West France) 7 14 10.4 44 57 50.7
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 8 16 11.7 46 60 53.1
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 10 17 13.4 49 63 56
Ajaccio (Corsica) 9 18 13.6 48 65 56.6
Chamonix (French Alps) -2 8 3.4 29 47 38
Briançon (French Alps) -1 9 4.2 31 48 39.6
Average temperatures in France in November – own study based on data from

Average rainfall in France in November.

City Millimeters All Days
Paris 50 2 10
Le Havre (North of France) 85 3.3 14
La Rochelle (West Coast) 95 3.7 12
Lyon (Eastern France) 80 3.1 9
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 55 2.2 6
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 105 4.1 7
Chamonix (French Alps) 100 3.9 10
November average rainfall in France – own study based on data from

Average number of sunny hours in France in November.

City On average Together
Paris 2.5 70
Le Havre (North of France) 2.5 75
La Rochelle (West Coast) 3 90
Lyon (Eastern France) 2.5 75
Bordeaux (South-West France) 3 95
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 5 150
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 5 150
Average number of sunny hours in France in November – own study based on data from

Average sea temperature on the coast of France in November:

City Celsius (° C) Fahrenheit (° F)
Le Havre (North of France) 14 56
La Rochelle (West Coast) 15 60
Bordeaux (South-West France) 16 60
Marseille (Mediterranean Sea) 16 61
Nice (Mediterranean Sea) 17 63
Ajaccio (Corsica) 18 65
Average sea water temperature on the coasts of France in November – own study based on data from

Check the weather forecast and air temperature in France in November:

Average temperatures in France in November.

Weather in France – November.

November is a good month to go to France. This is the time when autumn slowly begins to end and allows winter to come. That is why the sun’s rays are still noticeable, and the first chills are not as piercing as, for example, in January. In November, however, you can expect temporary rainfall and a much lower temperature at night. However, many people decide to go to France at this time. The main advantages are: no tiring heat that makes sightseeing difficult, much lower accommodation prices and fewer tourists.

Weather in France in November – Paris.

November temperatures in this area are comparable to those recorded in March. Average values ​​on thermometers range from 7 to 10 ° C. However, compared to March, the days are much shorter and more cloudy. It is worth taking a trip to Paris in November, not only warm clothes, but also an umbrella or a raincoat. There is a high probability of light showers, and sometimes even a few rainy days in a row.

Weather in France in November – Cote d’Azur, Marseille.

France in November weather and temperatures

November is quite warm on the Cote d’Azur and in Marseille. Temperatures range from 14 to 16 ° C during the day and 6 to 9 ° C. An interesting fact is that this month the water temperature is higher than the air temperature. On average it is around 18 ° C. Tourists going to the Cote d’Azur or Marseille in November should be prepared for frequent changes of weather, which can be very windy, sometimes even rainy.

Weather in France in November – Corsica.

Autumn, and more precisely November spent in Corsica, when it comes to weather conditions, is not much different from neighboring regions in France. Here, too, daytime temperatures are much higher, reaching around 17 ° C, while at night they drop to 9 ° C. The water in this region is also one degree warmer than the air temperature.