La Norma – weather, location, guide.

Where and when to ski in La Norma.

Weather, map and guide for La Norma. People who like to ski or snowboard should definitely come to La Norma.

La Norma weather

Average temperatures in the French Alps – La Norma

Month Min (° C) Max (° C) Mean (° C) Min (° F) Max (° F) Mean (° F)
January -5 5 0.1 23 41 32.3
February -4 7 1.2 24 44 34.1
March -2 10 4.4 29 51 40
April 2 13 7.2 35 55 45
May 5 18 11.6 42 64 52.9
June 8 23 15.5 47 73 59.9
July 10 26 18.1 51 78 64.6
August 10 26 18.1 51 78 64.6
September 7 20 13.6 44 69 56.6
October 3 15 9 38 59 48.3
November -1 9 4.2 31 48 39.6
December -4 6 1 26 42 33.7
La Norma – the average air temperature in the French Alps

La Norma is located in a temperate climate and the weather conditions coming from the south of a typically Mediterranean character. However, the Alps have the greatest influence on the local climate. As you know in the mountains, air temperature and pressure change with increasing altitude, and the weather during the day can change dramatically, for which you also need to be prepared when going to the mountains. The temperatures in La Norma do not fall below -5 ° C throughout the year. The coldest period in the town begins at the end of November and slowly ends at the turn of March and April. On the other hand, the highest temperatures are recorded in July and August. The temperature in these months can reach a maximum of 28 ° C. However, when going to the mountains to La Norma, even on vacation, you should not forget to take warmer clothes with you, as temperatures here can drop sharply by 10 or 13 degrees.

It is also worth checking the rain / snowfall in La Norma

Average rainfall and number of rainy days in French Alps – La Norma

Month Millimeters All Rainy days
January 95 3.7 10
February 85 3.3 8
March 85 3.3 10
April 90 3.5 10
May 120 4.7 14
June 130 5.1 13
July 120 4.7 12
August 125 4.9 12
September 105 4.1 10
October 115 4.5 10
November 100 3.9 10
December 110 4.3 11
Average rainfall and number of rainy days in French Alps – La Norma

La Norma – location

La Norma is located in the south-eastern part of France. From the winter resort to the east, there is a border crossing to Italy nearby, while going several dozen kilometers to the south, you can reach the Mediterranean coast. The La Vanoise massif is also close to La Norma. It is worth taking a detailed map of the region with you, because La Norma is connected with the Valfréjus resort, thus creating a real asylum for skiers. Besides, not knowing the nearby region, you can get lost in the roads a bit.

La Norma – guidebook

People who like to ski or snowboard should definitely come to La Norma. The reason for this decision is 117 kilometers of fascinating ski runs with various levels of difficulty. As mentioned before, the resort is closely related to another resort, namely Valfréjus. All ski slopes are located at altitudes between 1,550 and 2,737 meters above sea level. For nature lovers, the nearby Vanoise National Park is definitely a real attraction. The local guesthouses create a real alpine atmosphere. There are many events organized in the resort, which very often end up with fireworks displays. You can find entertainment here all year round. Supporters of both active and passive leisure will find their place in La Norma. Skiers and snowboarders are crazy about winter. Even people with no experience can go to local winter driving schools. However, in summer, when the temperature in the region is more favorable, you can try a game of tennis on one of the six tennis courts.