Fun facts about France for tourists and campers.

We often think that we know practically everything about France. After all, it is a European country, relatively close, and you can get to it in less than two hours by plane. Where is the secret, where is the place for surprise? It turns out that France can surprise us very much. Therefore, every tourist going to France should learn a little about this country in order not to make a blunder or get into an awkward situation.

Culinary curiosities.

French cuisine hides many dishes unknown to Polish tourists or holidaymakers. Here, no one is surprised by snails, delicately fried in butter or frog legs, served as an appetizer. And although some people may feel weak at the mere mention of these delicacies, they are among the most delicate and sophisticated dishes. While in France, it is worth trying them at least once. Another important element of French cuisine is cheese. Already Charles de Gaulle said the famous phrase: how can you rule a country that has two hundred and forty-six types of cheese? When leaving for France, you cannot refuse to taste at least a few of them. Every holidaymaker or tourist can immediately see that their taste is completely different from the cheeses of the same name sold in other countries. Tourists who visit France more often bring cheese as a souvenir from their trip. When talking about French cuisine, you cannot ignore the local wines and champagnes. The tradition of their production is very long. You can buy wines in every store, but the real treat are those straight from the vineyards from local producers.

How to behave – advice for tourists and vacationers.

Although the French have got used to the crowds of tourists who visit their country every year, they pay attention to their behavior towards each other. So it is worth remembering a few tips that will make the locals look at us with kindness.

  • Always say “good morning” (Bonjour) when entering a store or premises and add a monsieur to it, if you are addressing a man or madame to a woman
  • Always say “thank you” (Mercie) when making a purchase or receiving a service
  • It is worth reading basic French phrases or having a mini phrasebook with you, especially if you go to areas less frequented by tourists because the level of English knowledge in society is not very high, especially among the elderly
  • When visiting a Frenchman, you should bring a gift – even flowers
  • Remember about the lunch break, which is sometimes almost sacred. attempts to arrange anything during it will fail and tearing the French away from lunch may end up in a brawl

What behaviors to avoid – interesting facts about French customs.

It is also worth mentioning what behaviors to avoid in France in order not to risk committing a blunder.

  • At the market, you should not touch the displayed fruit and vegetables, unless the seller himself encourages you to do so
  • Do not summon the waiter with the word garson, which may be perceived as offensive, but polite “s’il Vous plait”
  • The lawns are not to be trodden on
  • Money should not be discussed as it is considered very rude.