What is the weather like in Paris in May?

What are the average air temperatures in Paris in May?

CityMonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)
The average temperature in Paris in May

What is the average rainfall in Paris in May?

CityMonthMillimetersInchesDays with precipitation
Average rainfall in Paris in May

How much sun is in Paris in May?

CityMonthAverage number of sunny hoursThe sum of sunny hours per month
Hours of sunshine in Paris in May

What is the weather like in Paris in May?

During May, Paris experiences low levels of rain and fog. The city is usually dry, and snow is unlikely to fall in this month. There is plenty of sun in the month, with nine hours of sunlight per day (avarage 6.5 hours sun per day). Wind speeds in the month range from one to seven meters per second, but rarely exceed nine m/s. There are usually mild to moderate breezes, which makes the weather pleasant for sightseeing in the city.

Despite the high rainfall in May, temperatures in Paris remain warm for most of the month. Several days in May will be sunny, but it’s rare to see more than one inch of precipitation. With high humidity, short-sleeved shirts and t-shirts will be uncomfortable to wear in this season. In this case, you can choose to layer your clothes for added warmth and comfort.

During May, the temperature in Paris can be chilly. You should bring an umbrella or raincoat to keep yourself safe. The average temperatures are still quite warm, though, but Paris is not hot enough to be considered summery. The temperature in May is generally cool, although it isn’t too hot. During this month, it’s still chilly. If you’re visiting Paris during this month, you should bring warm clothes and a jacket.