What is the weather like in Paris in February?

What are the average air temperatures in Paris in February?

CityMonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)
Average air temperatures in France in February

What is the average rainfall in Paris in February?

CityMonthMillimetresInchesDays with precipitation
Average rainfall in Paris in February

How much sun is in Paris in February?

CityMonthThe average number of sunny hoursThe sum of sunny hours per month
Hours of sunshine in Paris in February

What is the weather like in Paris in February?

Visiting Paris in February

The weather in Paris in February is chilly and rainy. This makes for a great time to visit this romantic city. However, it is important to dress appropriately, as the temperature can drop significantly. It is a good idea to bring a rain-proof rain-resistant jacket if you are planning to walk on the streets. If the sun is out of reach, the snow can be a little hard to see.

If you plan to shop, consider bringing some warm clothes. Nevertheless, you can still enjoy the romantic atmosphere of this city. Here are some tips to make your trip to the city a memorable one.

In February, the weather in Paris is generally cold and cloudy. You should pack layers of clothing, as the daytime high temperatures are only six to eight degrees Celsius early in the month, ranging from eight to ten degrees at the end of the month. Nonetheless, if you plan to visit during this time, it is important to be prepared for the rainy days. The temperature in Paris is still a bit cold and chilly, but it won’t be as miserable as you think.

Although snowfall is uncommon in Paris in February, it has been recorded in the past. On average, there are five hours of sunshine each day, although the number can vary based on the cloud density. The average temperature in February is 15 degrees C, which is warm, but not cold. You should also pack a waterproof jacket for those rainy days. You should also wear warm clothes, such as gloves and a scarf to stay warm.

The temperatures in Paris will fluctuate throughout the month. It is cold during the morning, but daytime temperatures can climb to 70 degrees. This can feel like a heatwave, as the sun remains in the sky for most of the day. The temperature is generally quite cool, so it is best to pack a thick winter coat to keep warm. If you are travelling in February, it is advisable to take a scarf and a hat as well.

In February, temperatures will be around 11 degrees Celsius. There will be some rain and snow, but the temperature will still be bearable. During this month, you can also visit Disneyland Paris and Versailles Palace. But it is important to wear appropriate clothes for both seasons. You can’t go to Disneyland without rain, but you can wear rain gear and waterproof shoes if you’re visiting Disneyland. The French celebrate the Chandeleur on February 2nd, and they usually eat lots of crepes. Likewise, the French celebrate Groundhog Day in the U.S. and Canada.