What is the weather like in Paris in April?

What are the average air temperatures in Paris in April?

CityMonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)
The average temperature in Paris in April

What is the average rainfall in Paris in April?

CityMonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)
Average rainfall in Paris in April

How much sun is in Paris in April?

CityMonthThe average number of sunny hoursThe sum of sunny hours per month
Hours of sunshine in Paris in April

What is the weather like in Paris in April?

Visiting Paris in April

The climate is mild and pleasant. The city stays cool during the day. The temperature may drop a few degrees during the evening, so you should wear layers of clothes. The climate in Paris in April is very similar to other months in the year. In the mornings, the temperature is still warm, but it can get very hot during the day. The humidity is low, so you don’t need to worry about the heat. However, the city can be cold at night.

The city’s flowers are in bloom in April. The cherry trees are the most beautiful, but other flowers bloom as well. While the cherry tree is a popular flower in the city, you should also consider purchasing a light scarf. The rainy season is the perfect time to buy flowers. The Marche aux Fleurs is a great time to shop for plants and to visit the gardens. A chilly day in April isn’t so comfortable.

The weather in Paris in April is very similar to other months. The temperature rises during the day but falls in the evening. The wind speed also drops in April, from 10.6 mph to 9.4 mph. So, you’ll want to pack layers. The average daily temperature in March is around 22degC and the lowest is -3degC. You’ll need to plan a day trip for April to avoid the coldest days.

The temperatures in Paris in April are typical of the rest of the year. Daytime temperatures are usually in the mid-80s, although they can dip into the mid-40s at times. The temperature may be a bit colder at night, so you should consider wearing a lightweight water-resistant puffer jacket. This will keep you warm in spite of the humidity. It’s best to take a lightweight, water-resistant jacket with you.

In April, Paris receives approximately 25mm of rainfall per month and has fourteen days of rain. Snow falls in the city on one day of the month, but a little accumulation is rare. The city has only a few foggy days a year, with temperatures in the mid-seventies. A few hours of sunshine per day are the norm. The winds tend to be moderate. So, even if the temperatures do fluctuate, it won’t be too uncomfortable.