October in Paris – What is the weather like in Paris in October?

What are the average air temperatures in Paris in October?

CityMonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)
The average temperature in Paris in October

What is the average rainfall in Paris in October?

CityMonthMillimetersInchesDays with precipitation
Average rainfall in Paris in October

How much sun is in Paris in October?

CityMonthAverage number of sunny hoursThe sum of sunny hours per month
Hours of sunshine in Paris in October

What is the weather like in Paris in October?

Visiting Paris in fall

Fall is a beautiful time to visit Paris. While average temperatures fall between 17 and eight degrees, some days are warm and sunny. On the other hand, evenings can be cold and rain showers are common. If you plan to visit in October, you should pack layers and bring a few sweaters. You should also pack several pairs of warm, tailored pants. A stylish pea coat or trench coat is a good idea for the colder days. A chic umbrella is a must, too. You should also pack a pair of stylish gloves and scarves, as well.

The average temperature in Paris during October is about 14 degrees. By the end of the month, the temperature will drop to six degrees. The daytime high will still be around 18 degrees. The average amount of rain in this month is 25 mm and will accumulate over the course of the month. It is mainly wet, with a humidity level of 79%. It is usually sunny throughout the day, but evenings will be chilly.

The fall season is one of the most popular seasons to visit Paris. The autumnal months bring the city a festive buzz. The weather is cool and pleasant enough to take long walks through charming neighborhoods and stroll along the Seine River. You can also expect some wind and rain showers, but the average temperature is 46 degrees and 62 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no precipitation in this month, so you can expect to see some beautiful foliage in the parks and gardens.