June in Paris – What is the weather like in Paris in June?

What are the average air temperatures in Paris in June?

CityMonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)
The average temperature in Paris in June

What is the average rainfall in Paris in June?

CityMonthMillimetresInchesDays with precipitation
Average rainfall in Paris in June

How much sun is in Paris in June?

CityMonthThe average number of sunny hoursThe sum of sunny hours per month
Hours of sunshine in Paris in June

What is the weather like in Paris in June?

The weather in Paris in June is moderate. You can expect to see sunny days and temperatures in the low seventies. On the other hand, you can expect to encounter very hot days too. This is not the most enjoyable time to visit Paris, so bring a bottle of water with you. There are plenty of places to visit, including museums, galleries, and theatres, and you can easily enjoy the warm weather without worrying about the cold.

The weather in Paris in June is pleasant. Average temperatures are around 16 and 23 degrees Celsius. The rain that falls is generally light.

The beautiful sun will embellish the days one after the other. The temperature may be a bit hot in the evening, but in general, it will not rain. You can enjoy the sunshine throughout the entire day. If you’re looking for the best weather in Paris, consider going in June!

While the weather in Paris in June is mild and temperate, it can be humid and hot at times. So make sure to pack a rain jacket and sunscreen, as well as a sunblock. If you want to enjoy the city in the summer, you should take a trip to Paris in June. This is the most romantic month of the year in Paris.

Here are some tips about visiting Paris: